Windsor and Maidenhead
"Be selfish" and other top tips to do more good
Mandy created a session that suited her… Now everyone comes along!
February 22, 2024
Mandy, a TaskForce member from Windsor and Maidenhead took her Area Activator’s advice to “be a bit selfish”. Here, along with Area Activator Amy, they talk about how they set up the perfect sessions and provide top tips for GoodGymers who want to do the same.
Mandy heard about GoodGym from an elderly neighbour. Bored of indoor gyms and wanting to do something useful, GoodGym seemed like the perfect solution. Less than a year later and she set up her own weekly session to lead.
Frustrated in the winter months with travelling long distances to group sessions, Mandy created her own to suit her schedule. If, like Mandy, you know a GoodGym session on your doorstep is sorely needed, here you can learn how to do it yourself.
Mandy, you recently started up a new Thursday evening group session in Windsor - what was your motivation for getting it going?
I live in Windsor and used to cycle several kilometres to the Maidenhead sessions during Spring/Summer, but as the nights got darker, I was thinking I could do with something closer. There had been a few sessions in Windsor but not that many. As a shared borough (Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead) but actually quite far apart, it seemed to me that there would be lots of people in Windsor who would do tasks locally if they were just available.
How did Amy, the AA for Windsor and Maidenhead, and other TaskForce and Run Leaders support you to get it going?
Amy and I decided on a day or the week that wouldn’t clash with Slough and Maidenhead sessions and launched in Jan 2024. As I have not yet qualified as a Run Leader, the support of the current Run Leaders has been amazing. We've kept the sessions consistent while building and maintaining momentum. Other TaskForce members from Maidenhead and Slough have been really supportive by coming to sessions and acting as walk leaders and back markers. We have WhatsApp groups and I know I can reach out for support and advice at any time.
It’s early days, but have you enjoyed the experience of establishing the new group session? Would you recommend others give it a go, and if so, what advice would you give them?
I have gained some valuable transferable skills that you may not expect, and my self-confidence is improving week by week. As are my brain cells thinking of puns for the reports!
Finding tasks each week can be a challenge, especially in winter, but I am determined to maintain the routine of “Thursday is GoodGym Windsor night” and I will have a session on offer, even if it’s just a social walk/run.
I’ve been constantly promoting the sessions and asking for tasks on as many local Facebook groups as possible (Check with their Admins and group rules so you don’t get blocked!). Getting a spreadsheet together and some diary notes (that’s how I roll) has helped me get organised and in the weekly rhythm.
There is online training for Taskforce and Fitness Leaders which you’ll need to make an evening or two free for. It's worth asking your employer if there is any time available for volunteering and get your family/friends supporting you during the set-up period.
I was very much of the mindset that if it works then ‘happy days’, but I didn’t have huge expectations it would. As it turns out, it’s been worth the time and effort put in - we have a lovely and growing new group emerging.
Being under the umbrella of an established group with an amazing TaskForce and AA has helped make this a success. You are not alone, GoodGym is a team effort.
Amy is Windsor and Maidenhead’s Area Activator. Having successfully launched one of GoodGym’s busiest areas, and supported countless TaskForce members in listing their first sessions, Amy knows a thing or two about getting started…
Amy’s Top Tips:
1️⃣ Be a bit selfish - I always tell my GoodGymers that the best thing about being Taskforce is that you get to set up sessions that fit perfectly with your week - both in terms of timing and location. Start by thinking about what day and time would be best for you, and which area you want to focus on. If the session fits with your existing routine, it will be easier to commit, and over time you will find it fits for other people too.
2️⃣ Ask for help - everyone at GoodGym likes to help. We wouldn't be GoodGymers if we didn't! If you need help getting comfortable with listing sessions, finding tasks, or recruiting volunteers, ask your AA, other Taskforce members and the rest of your group for help. Perhaps they can even join you for a few weeks to boost your numbers and to show newcomers our welcoming GoodGym culture.
3️⃣ Don't give up - getting momentum going in a new area won't necessarily be easy. It can take time for potential task owners to respond to offers of help and for word to get out that you have launched brilliant new opportunities to volunteer with GoodGym. My TaskForce members and I have done the odd session where there have been very few sign ups, or we've been let down by a task owner. On our first regular Windsor session it was so rainy we felt like we were swimming to the task, but experiences like this make us laugh and bring us closer. Sometimes we look at each other and wonder if we're all crazy, but deep down we know that doing good whilst getting fit is a winning combination, and that it is worth persevering.
4️⃣ Fake it til you make it - If you don't have task owners queuing up with pleas for help, remember that the task is only one part of the GoodGym experience. While you build momentum and get people into the habit of GoodGyming in a new area at a new time, it is worth having a few back-up tasks up your sleeve. Litter picking or bringing along a tin from home and walking together to donate to a foodbank are good options. Also accept that some weeks might not include a task. Simply getting out for a social walk or run together, having a game of frisbee or a picnic will still get people out in the fresh air, socialising and enjoying the GoodGym spirit.
Want to get more good stuff happening in your community? Complete the TaskForce training here.