
Group run

Don't Rain on my Spade

27 GoodGymers made their way 1.4km to help the Millthorpe School in York.

  • Paul Widdowfield
  • York runner
  • York runner
  • Lizzie Kershaw
  • York runner
  • Leanne
  • Sean Coxhead
  • Melissa Jordan
  • Becky Moylett
  • Kat
  • Ed Woollard
  • York runner
  • Stefan Durkin
  • Tim Mckenzie
  • John Bourton
  • Christine Cockett
  • Huw
  • Jenna Drury
  • Helen English
  • York runner
  • Mitch
  • Adam Minnich
  • York runner
  • Bethany Bridge
  • York runner
  • Emily Collins
  • Alison Hyde
Monday, 13th of August 2018
Led by York runner

27 very soggy GG Yorkies made it through flash floods to do good at Millthorpe School.

A massive thunderstorm had been going for about an hour leaving parts of the city (and some GG Yorkie's houses) waterlogged. Drenched runners arrived victoriously, particularly Mel who was really rocking the 'triathlon in my clothes' look. Big shout out to Alison who came for her first GoodGym all the way from Malton in horrendous weather!

Luckily the rain stopped before we were due to head out to do good. It was only half a mile to get to our task and our walking crew of Katie and Sean led the way whilst the runners did a little warm up. At the task we were met by Emma who told us a little bit about Forest School and how it's so important to get the kids outside to experience the Great British weather. We agree, maybe they'll end up being GoodGymers.

Our tasks were to dig over two big areas of weedy, mossy stuff so that grass seed could be planted, and to rip up an old, rotten boardwalk around the two ponds. Those who were most into carnage and destruction headed for the boardwalk. The only tools were spades and forks, really for all the digging.

How are we supposed to do this? Using our bare hands? - Christine

Yep. With gloved hands, everyone got stuck in ripping up the chicken wire and yanking bits of wood up.

I don't know if now is the time to say that I have actually fallen in a pond before.

Despite her previous form, Helen still headed for the pond but stuck to the safety of digging in the very soggy grass. The soggy grass gang were very much enjoying the squelching sounds of digging and were determined to call people over individually so they could listen.

It's like the first spoon of trifle! - Alison

Over on the other side, a huge patch of digging had been completed. Adam had arrived slightly late and immediately found a huge root to attempt to dig up.

I found that root earlier and instead of tackling it, I went over there - Bad Nick

The whole boardwalk had been removed except for a few very long posts (a job for another day) and a massive area of grass had been dug over. It was time to celebrate with a bit of fitness and tonight we introduced a brand new game.

The Egg of Power

The Egg of Power gave some lucky individuals the chance to decide what exercise everybody had to do. Some people - like Huw - made bad choices and had everyone doing burpees. Timer Sean was merciful though and didn't make us do them for too long. Obviously there was dancing because everyone knows we love a little dance at GoodGym (excellent suggestion by Lizzie) but it was new-ish GG Yorkie, Emily, who 100% took the win for best exercise.

Monsters Inc Bunk Bed!

If you're unfamiliar with the exercise, see here. Emily demonstrated with quite outstanding enthusiasm and sound effects and deserves a big cheer.

Don't forget we have an extra session on Thursday this week starting at 18:30 - this is a Starter Session so we meet at the task. Invite your friends!

Report written by York runner


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Egg Cameron
Led by Egg Cameron

Ex-Trainer for GoodGym York. Loves to LUNGE! Obsessed with parkrun, hills and puppies.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Sean Coxhead
    • Melissa Jordan

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Big allotment weed assault at Holgate Allotments

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Ed Woollard

York CVS, Denham Room

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