
Group run

Hose Before Bro's!

14 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help the Stanhope Hall Community and Well Being Centre in Birmingham.

  • Morwenna Kearns
  • Fiona Ross-shiel
  • Jonny Carter
  • Garry
  • Sam Hazell
  • Karin
  • Laura Smith
  • Liam
  • Birmingham runner
  • Birmingham runner
  • Richard Clark
  • Birmingham runner
  • Nicola Leng
  • Emily
Tuesday, 17th of July 2018
Led by Jonny Carter

14 people ran 7k to water and weed the garden for Stanhope Community Centre

Tonight it was great to welcome GG newbie Emily to the group. It’s great to have you on board :-)

Once the intros were done we were on our way to Stanhope to use our green fingers for a bit of gardening. Richard did the front marking duties, while Garry did the back. Just before arriving at our destination we did our usual hill sprint up to the centre. Everyone pushed hard all the way, Hasnain giving it some right stick, Morwenna getting right up on to those toes and Laura, springing up on her light feet.

Next it was onto the task. It was a case of watering, more watering and weeding. Karin took control of the big hose, spraying water all over the shop! Not just on the plants! Hence this weeks ‘pun’ brought to you by Richard! The rest of the group had to make do with watering cans and weeding instruments. We spent a good twenty minutes in the garden, making it look loads better and certainly a lot wetter!


After a quick picture we set off back, doing some thirty second interval efforts, off thirty seconds rest. Six were completed in total. Even I joined in with these, which is rather unusual as normally I’m ‘camera man’! Richard and Hasnain showed their speed, Emily put in some great work in her first session, Fiona and Kate, dug in well and were very consistent throughout, but as ever everyone worked well pulling each other a long! Top stuff!

Once the intervals it was a steady run back to our starter point. Everyone pretty tired with their efforts, so that means a great job done!

Next week we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Jonny Carter
Led by Jonny Carter

GoodGym Area Activator for Birmingham. Love all things running, including road, track and even cross country when it isn't to muddy!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Garry

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Sutton Coldfield Group run/Walk: A litter pick in Sutton Park

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Jonny Carter
Harvester Boldmere

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