
Community mission

The Aces of Spades

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the Ham and Petersham Sea Scouts in Richmond.

  • Sam
  • Anita
  • JP
  • Richmond runner
  • Danya Marx
  • Beth
Saturday, 4th of March 2023
Led by Liz

It was great to be back at the Petersham and Ham Sea Scouts this morning for a vigorous bit of doing good. After a couple of GPS issues we all made it there and started the session carrying planks of wood to the site of the “treehouse”* which was under construction in the area to one side of the of the main driveway.

Once we had moved 22 very long planks, we were given our new orders. The main job of the day was to dig out a section of earth at the back of the site to prepare it for gravel to be laid at a future date.

Initially we filled 5 sacks with soil and stacked them to one side for later use, then we got going in earnest on filling wheelbarrows and moving the soil to the other end of the lawn area close to the fire pit and pizza oven. The work was hard but gratifying and we enjoyed seeing our progress at both the digging and depositing sites.

Soon enough we were given an additional task, removing the holly tree at one end of the digging spot. This provided a lot of fun for new starter Danya (on her first mission) and JP, while Anita stepped in to help chop up the tree once it had been removed.

Cups of tea were brought for the workers and we carried on with the spadework, digging with gusto and filling the barrows at blistering pace. We even found time to dig out the footpath sign - which was much harder than we initially thought! Eventually it was time to go and the chat turned to weekend plans and the inevitable discussion on the best pun - this report’s fine effort coming courtesy of Anita.

A very warm welcome to Danya who we hope to see at another mission vet soon.

*Not in a tree. So not really a treehouse.

Report written by JP

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Sunday March 5th, 2023 08:23

Great work, looks like a proper workout!

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Creating a horse trough

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Liz

Tap Tavern

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