
Group run

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11 GoodGymers made their way 5.2km to help the Friends of St Botolphs Church in Worthing.

  • Rosalind Reason
  • Duncan Anderson
  • Gillybean
  • Belinda Robinson
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Paul Woodcock
  • Barbara Barrett
  • Worthing runner
  • John Robinson
  • Andy
Monday, 1st of April 2019

Everyone's welcome - Theres so mush-room

It was really great to welcome Andy to GG Worthing tonight. We were joined by Barbara,Paul, Belinda and John, Ros,Anne, Duncan, Gill and a bit later Jay too.

We had a quick GG catch up followed by rather a lot of chatter and banter. Despite all of this we managed to ensure that Andy wasn't put off by all of this and made it off the start line.

The walkers comprising of Gill, Belinda and John set off promptly closely followed by the runners on the 1 mile warm up route to the task at St Botolphs churchyard.

With the front , mid and back markers in place together with the walkers it was a minor miracle that everyone managed to rock up at the right place, especially after the recent change of venue of the task and the usual associated confusion which, after an exemplary performance 1 short week ago, returned this evening!

Beleaf in yourself

After the dark winter months we were warmly met by Sue and Peter on a beautiful sunny spring evening who outlined our task for the evening.

The pretty church yard was in need of a GG spruce to re establish a border that had been obscured by leaves, twigs and weeds. Paul and Peter also had a task to plant a yew tree in the corner of the church yard .

Sue explained that this is the church that is attached to Heene Cemetery which is just around the corner from the church and where we often help and also where we were originally going to be this evening ( confusion explained! )

With no rakes this meant plenty of squats for all the group which was just the start of our extended fitness session this evening. Happy days! With loads of leaves and similar green stuff several piles grew in readiness for composting tomorrow.

Val and Keith from the church had joined us and were heart warmingly grateful for the team's work tonight. We were all truly touched to be given a round of applause from both of them together with Sue and Peter when we left . What a lovely start to our light evenings.

Maroons on a beach

The team headed to the beach and so it began ! Some tempo running, easy jogging and lamp post sprints combined with looping back to me ensured that the team all stayed in touch and supported each other.

We all convened at a seafront shelter for some upper body strength work before heading onto the stones for some ( actually quite a lot ) of beach sprints. There a few rumblings of ' Is this a double fitness session to make up for last week' but generally I think everyone loved the session . Is this statement correct ?

On the home stretch

After a final few lops of running along the sand and up the stones the team took the 2 k run back to base. They chose their speed ( True comment - John ?! ) with the front runners taking an extra loop around the pier before double backing to injured Belinda who was acting as back marker today. Some impressive sprint finishes and extensive stretches finished the evening.

Great work team and in particular our new recruit Andy. We hope that this is the first of many manic Mondays with us.

Belinda's 100th !

Next week we are at Kamelia Kids in Goring so we will be meeting at Worthing Leisure Centre at 6 pm for a 6:15 pm start. Its Belinda's 100th good deed so it would be great if as many of you can make it to be part of this special evening.

Have a great week everyone.

Love your running :)

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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Belinda Robinson
Belinda Robinson
Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 20:16

Great report as always & super photos - you forgot to mention you were wearing your wings Julia!

Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 15:29

Great photos with the new Camera Julia.
As usual a good write up too!!

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I love the concept of getting physically and mentally fit whilst combining it with helping others. I run most days.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Belinda Robinson

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St Botolphs Church Garden

Monday 18:00 - 19:30
St Botolphs Church

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