
Group run

We started the year with 2020 vision!

35 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help their local community in Wandsworth.

  • Lorna Gott
  • Jessie Woodward
  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Liv Parker-Scott
  • Croydon runner
  • Matthew Stuart
  • Sophie Humphrey
  • Jordan
  • Judith
  • Frances Collier-Wright
  • Luke Woodward
  • Helen Killingley
  • Beth Nelson
  • Morag White
  • Christopher O'Driscoll
  • John Appleton
  • Stephanie Stevenson
  • Hanna
  • James Collins
  • Tom Jackson
  • Wandsworth runner
  • Alice Pickles
  • Oliver Cannon
  • David Simpson
  • JuliavC
  • Jonny Cottom
  • Caroline Halls
  • Mohit
  • Rob Street
  • Bruno
  • Jenny
  • Emily Lewis
  • Alice Wigley
  • Mia Gomez
  • Helena Clay
Monday, 6th of January 2020
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Last night 35 runners joined forces in Wandsworth to kick off 2020 by doing something great for themselves and for their community. It's the best way to start the year!

  • Welcome back to GoodGym everybody! If it was your first group run yesterday or you're racking up those good deeds, we have got a cracking year ahead of us. A big welcome to Helena who came along for her first session last night - give her a cheer! It was also lovely to see faces old and new, and to welcome runners from other areas too.

  • If you need a bit of January inspiration to get out there when it's a bit cold and dark, then we have just the thing for you - the january challenge! This is where each area tries to do as many good deeds and as many miles as possible this month. So get yourself down to as many missions, community missions and group runs as possible and let's get cracking!

  • In a great beginning to the year, we celebrated Lorna's 50th good deed! This means that lovely Lorna has supported her community in huge ways, and covered quite a few miles in the process. Way to go, Lorna!

We kicked off our first session with not one but two tasks. The choices were to do a litter sweep of Doddington estate, where the local people have been reporting a rubbish problem, or to run to a primary school garden in Battersea to help empty raised beds of soils for the children to use to plant fruit and veg.

While deciding on which task to go for, we headed outside and, after a warm up, did a survey on new year's resolutions. While some opted for not making one so they can't break it, there were quite a few people wanting to improve their timekeeping, eat fewer biscuits, eat more biscuits, a number of great running challenges, learning how to accept a compliment and being kinder to ourselves. Keep at it, GoodGym!

We split into two groups, with Chris leading his down to Doddington, where they picked up the litter pickers from the local community centre. They got straight onto filling black bin bags with as much litter as they could lay their hands on - with bottles caps, cig butts (they can take up to 10 years to decompose and in the meantime they release nasties into the environment) and other packaging. After a good sweep, and with 4 km under their belt, they ran over to reunite the groups.

Meanwhile the other runners had been working hard at the primary school. Our job was to empty the huge raised beds of soil so that they could be rebuilt for the children to plant fruit and veg. It's a big job, but dividing into two teams we tackled it with spades and muscle. It soon became clear there was a little bit of healthy competition between the groups, and I can report that while one group shifted a massive 22 bags of soil, the other managed a whopping 29! I'll leave you to figure out which team came out on top...

We all met up at a park round the corner where we knocked out a tabata session. Great to increasing aerobic capacity and raising our heart rates through short bursts of high intensity drills, we did two round of eight exercises featuring the dreaded frogs and power lunges. Great energy levels, team!

After a short run back to base, we finished off the night with stetches and some cookies to celebrate Lorna's milestone. Lovely to see you all again in 2020, GoodGym! Sign up here for more fun, doing good and getting fit next week. Until then, run happy!

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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Anastasia Hancock
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Area Activator for Wandsworth and Hounslow. All things running. For fitness, fun, racing and to feel good - and for everybody!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Helen Killingley
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Helen Killingley
    • David Simpson

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Emptying a room to raise funds for Waste Not Want Not

Monday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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