
Group run

Weed and Feed

11 GoodGymers made their way 2.9km to help the Turning Tides in Worthing.

  • Rosalind Reason
  • Duncan Anderson
  • Belinda Robinson
  • Beth Nelson
  • Lucy Booth
  • Nick Gleeson
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Barbara Barrett
  • John Robinson
  • Andy
Monday, 22nd of April 2019

Legs 11 after a cracking Easter weekend

After a sizzling Easter weekend it was heart warming that 11 , yes 11 Goodgymers turned out on bank holiday evening . They could have been relaxing at home with a beer in hand but here they were ready to combine a good deed with a run and fitness session. Surely it couldn't have been the lure of the pub afterwards that got them up and active ?!

With 4 walkers, Barbara, Belinda and John and led by Nick setting off a little earlier, the runners, Lucy, Anne, Ros,Duncan,Andy and our very own Birthday girl Beth soon followed on the 1 mile warm up run to the task.

This evening we were giving a helping hand to one of our regular venues, the homeless hostel at Byron Road.

Once again the runners were beaten to the task by the walker by 'a good 5 minutes' I have no idea how this keeps happening but its must something dodgy going on!

A friend in weed is a friend indeed

With a choice of weeding or cooking the team (almost too) easily split into 2 groups. With plenty of great banter the weeding team comprising of Nick. Duncan, John, Belinda and Barbara set about a perimeter wall and quickly set about clearing it of weeds and debris.

Keep calm and curry on (Thank you for the pun Beth ! )

Whilst in the kitchen work was underway to cook a 'curry in a hurry' the chefs were quickly putting their cooking talents into full speed. With 2 chicken dishes, rice and naan to prepare the chopping and sizzling turned into a gentle simmer.

With the weeders and chefs all under control , the walking team set off back together with 1 group of runners on an extended route to beach green where the fitness session was due to take place.

Fix up look sharp ( For anyone that didnt know this is Dizzie rascal song !)

With Beth, Andy and Ros left to put the finishing touches on the curry we safely returned the knives before heading back along the seafront back . With a quick stop to look at the GG flowerbed and a sprint detour to the pier to look for the picture of Beth, it wasn't long before all the runners convened on the green together.

Duncan , Anne and Lucy got a snappy crocodile drill in before the fitness session started. I couldn't bear to see them standing still or in Lucy's case lying down on the grass!

This evening we ( tried ) to concentrate on team work . Working in two's and three's we did alternate exercises being done over 90 second intervals. The key element was engaging and supporting your partner .

Exercises included primal bear crawls, long jumps, ladder runs, burpees , mogul ski jumps and mountain climbers. With some controversial ( You didn't tell us to do that!! ) penalty press ups thrown in, together with options for the injured, there were some impressive efforts from everyone.

We finished the session with a fitness game of tag hover. I think this may have broken the pre conceived idea that games are fun !

......and so to the pub and more 'cheers'

We finished raising our glasses to Beth for her 29th Birthday and also celebrated our queen of GG cheers Barbara

Before next week lets give some time to think about a design for our GG flowerbed. Planting is on May 19th. More details to follow.

Next week we are meeting at Worthing Leisure Centre to head to May Close to see our Breathing Spaces friends Lisa and Claire before heading to the track for 800 sprints.

Have a great week .

Lots of GG love

Julia X

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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Beth Nelson
Beth Nelson
Wednesday April 24th, 2019 23:43

Fab report as always, Julia! Thank you as always for the lovely welcome ‘home’ 😊

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St Botolphs Church Garden

Monday 18:00 - 19:30
St Botolphs Church

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